Tuesday, December 15, 2015


“Congratulations on 15 Years!”
From one “Virgo” to another….

The three words I would use to best describe Paula Hill are: committed, detailed, and reliable!  Fortunately for all of us, she does not yet know the meaning of a “sick” day. Paula balances “collections” with customer service well; it can often times be very challenging. She has a genuine concern for our drivers, salespersons, the finance staff, and all other employees of Buffalo Coca-Cola, not to mention all of our customers. Paula has been and continues to be a very valued employee; she is always open-minded to new ways and will be instrumental when we convert to Eostar next year. Again, my respect and thanks upon reaching the fifteen year milestone and for all you do for our company,
Ken Veverka
Manager, Customer Support
ABARTA, Shared Financial Services

New Hires

“Welcome New Hires!”
I am pleased to announce the addition of Carla Prince to the Shared Financial Services Accounts Payable Department.  Carla takes over the position of Accounts Payable Assistant from the retirement of Debbie Loftus. Carla recently moved back to the area after spending approximately 23 years living and working in the New York City area.  With her 20 plus years of accounts payable experience she will be integral in helping to strengthen our customer support. Please join me in welcoming Carla to the ABARTA family. 

I am happy to announce that Sandy Doyle has agreed to join the Shared Financial Services Accounts Payable Department!  Sandy has worked for ABARTA for over 15 years and has been with four Divisions.  She started back in August of 1982 with RPI, moved to Summit Supply from 1990 through 1995, joined AOG in January of 2010 and starts a new journey with SFS in 2015.  Welcome Sandy, you are a great addition to our team.

Wednesday, October 28, 2015


Linda Taraborrelli – 10 Years – Shared Financial Services

Congratulations Linda, on reaching the 10 year club!!  Linda has spent the majority of her time focusing on Non-Beverage accounting over her career with SFS.  Her solid work effort in her early years enabled her to be recently promoted to Senior Accountant.  Her commitment to her job and attention to detail have played a major role in her success.  Please help me in congratulating Linda for her years of service.

Thank you.
Doug Shebeck